Making the move from Utah to Charleston, South Carolina 3 years ago, these sisters have a come a long way to make a name for themselves among southern Instagram influencers. They had been avid followers of Vetiver since we started and we couldn't help but to connect back with them and bring them on as one of our Vetiver Girls!
If you are looking for inspiration on how to incorporate our Vetiver pieces into your everyday wardrobe, these girls know how to do it. Read more below about how they started and what they love about the brand.

How did you two get into blogging?
We started our blog about 3 years ago as a way for our family back in Utah to see all of our adventures in our new town of Charleston. It definitely didn't start out as a fashion or travel blog though. It was mainly arts & crafts, random outings we would write about, & random photoshoots we would do for fun. It slowly evolved into what it is today & now we focus mainly on our passion for fashion & travel. Never in a million years did we think it be what it is today but we couldn't be more grateful for where it has taken us!
Do you ever find any pressures or difficulties being in the fashion industry? If so, how do you deal with them
Yes, absolutely! One of the biggest pressures we feel as fashion bloggers are to always have new product & items to wear & shoot. You almost feel as though you can't wear or show the same things twice. But for us, we like to keep it real & relate to our followers because most people can't afford to wear a new outfit every day anyway. And that's totally okay & it's just something we have to remind ourselves of.
What advice would you give to women who are trying to be their own girl boss, but are afraid to and don't know where to begin?
We think the main piece of advice is to just GO FOR IT & learn along the way. Just know that you will make mistakes but making mistakes is always the best way to learn. Also, remember that it is okay to ask for help or advice. People are always willing to help!
What do you love about your Vetiver pieces and how do you incorporate them into your daily wardrobe?
What do we not love about our Vetiver pieces! We love the way that the pieces make us feel when we wear them. They are such unique pieces but at the same time, pieces you will have & wear for a lifetime. I think a word to sum up the way we feel when wearing Vetiver is BADASS.